Monday, November 10, 2008


What Oscar is doing is beyond the powers of nature can you imagine predicting death wow what a gift .He is doing what we call magic or miracle what ever you want to call it .The powers which are possesed by Oscar are associated with superstition in this century .After the stone age period we only knew that fortune tellers were the only people capable of predicting death.He resides at steer House nursing and Rehabilitation cenre in Providence,Rhode island,on third floor.He predicts who is next on death row i think thats generous and compassionate task to perform because dying by surprise is no good at all so what is doing is more than enough.the nurses would have the chance to contact the relatives so that they can come and pay their last respects and i find it as good thing .If i was an old man i would actully want to be close to Oscar so that when the time has come to leave the world of the son of man the he can give me a hint and get prepared for the journey.Death is a scary thought we all know that we are going to die but we dont know when .If Oscar could do that thats good .I honour Oscar for the powers that he possesed and for his compassionate work.A local hospice agency has awarded oscar with a plaque with a commendation engraved on it,For his compassionate hospice care,this plaque awarded to oscar the cat