Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Tsodilo is a UNESCOWorld heritage site located in northwestern Botswana.It was inscribed in 2001 due to its unique religious and spiritual signifance to local peoples,as well as its unique record of human settlement over several millenia.It contains over 4,500 rock paintings in an area of approximately 10000km witin the kalahari desert. There are four main hills .The highest is 1400m.The four main hills are commonly described as the MALE ,this is the highest,the FEMALE ,Child and unnamed knoll.There is a managed campsite between the two largest hills.It is near the most famous of the san paintings at the site ,tne laurens van der Post Panel.

these hills are of great cultural and spiritual to the san people of the kalahari.It si believed that the caves and the cavens of the female hill are the resting places of the deceased and various Gods who rule the world from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsodilo_Hills

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